
Dear Participants, Greetings!
The conference organization committee decided that ISASE2021 will be held ONLINE this year in accordance with WHO recommendations to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 virus.
- Conference language is English
- Submissions should not exceed the 4 pages
- Certificate of attendance will be sent by e-mail after the conference

For reference please see ISASE2018: ISBN 978-605-68837-2-9

- Conference submission system has been opened and waiting for your articles…
- The deadline for submission of papers has been extended to 21 March 2021
- Due to the extension we have provided earlier to the authors for the submission deadline we also need to change the acceptance notification date. Acceptance/rejection notifications will be sent to the authors on 29/03/2021. We hope that this does not cause any inconvenience.
The conference Proceedings Book of the ISASSE2021 has been published and can be accessed from here